NCS | FastTrack for NCM Self-Service
Instructor-led class
We aim to enable the students to deliver services based on Nutanix Service Delivery Kits to ensure high-quality and standardized service delivery.
This 2-day instructor-led training will help prepare Nutanix Certified Services employees and partners to deliver FastTrack for NCM Self-Service and provide them with hands-on experience in a lab environment. Certificates of completion are awarded after successful completion of the online assessment.
The course content is designed to point students to relevant documentation and to help students:
Understand the Service Scope
Use related Nutanix Service Delivery Kit
Deliver a FastTrack for NCM Self-Service Overview Presentation
Install and Configure NCM Self-Service
Import a Blueprint into NCM Self-Service
Launch the imported blueprint
Provide an NCM Self-Service Knowledge Transfer.
More information about FastTrack for NCM Self-Service can be found here.